
Strong communications skills compliment every academic program especially if you’re considering graduate or law school. Through various interdisciplinary programs, you can enrich your major by considering one of the following minors.

未成年人 in the Department of Communcation:

  • 辅修战略沟通


    • CMST 225 基金会s of Strategic Messaging

    • CMST 102/112 Introduction to Human Communication
    • CMST 451 Seminar in Communication Theory

    选修课(15学时) 从以下选项中选择:

    • CMST 215 Collaboration and Team Communication
    • CMST 300 Communication and Relationships
    • CMST 302 Argumentation and Advocacy
    • CMST 310公民传播
    • CMST 312 Digital Identity and 社区
    • CMST 322 Presentational Communication
    • CMST 325 Public Relations Principles
    • CMST 335 Organizational Communication
    • 冲突管理
    • CMST 350 Intercultural Communication
    • CMST 365 Environmental Communication
    • CMST 422 Seminar in Rhetorical Criticism
    • CMST 425 Public Relations Strategies
    • CMST 485 Rights and Responsibilities of Communication (Capstone)
    • LEAD 101 Introduction to Leadership Studies
    • 301组织领导力
    • 401公民领导

    Learn more about a 辅修战略沟通

  • 辅修领导学



    • LEAD 101 Introduction to Leadership Studies (3)
    • LEAD 401 Introduction to Leadership Studies (3)


    • CMST 102 - Introduction to 战略沟通 Leadership (3)
    • CMST 122 - Introduction to Public Communication (3)


    • LEAD 301 - Organizational Leadership (3)
    • MGMT 356 - Leadership and Human Behavior (3)

    Complete at least 1 of the following:

    • CMST 215 Collaboration and Team Communication
    • CMST 300 Communication and Relationships
    • CMST 322 Presentational Communication
    • CMST 335 Organizational Communication
    • 冲突管理
    • psyc385组进程
    • RECR 382项目规划
    • 社区分析

    Complete at least 1 of the following:

    • PHIL 305刑事司法伦理
    • 政治哲学
    • 313生物医学伦理学
    • 法律哲学
    • 个性与政治
    • 心理学314人格理论
    • 318社会心理学
    • SOWK 375 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I

    Complete at least 1 of the following:

    • CMST 365 Environmental Communication
    • MCOM 316 Electronic Media Management
    • MGMT 251 Management of Organizations
    • MGMT 359质量管理
    • POSC 321州和地方政治
    • 公共行政
    • POSC 352兴趣小组
    • POSC 358美国公共政策
    • POSC 427美国总统
    • recr380娱乐领导
    • SOWK 370 Introduction to Social Welfare and Social Work

     Grand Total Credits:  18 credit hours

    Learn more about a 辅修领导学

  • 辅修新兴媒体


    • MCOM 105 Introduction to Mass Communication
    • MCOM 246*介绍. to Mass Communication Research Methods
    • MCOM 346* Mass Communication Theory
    • MCOM 447*电信法
    • MCOM 485* Electronic Media Aesthetics and Criticism
    • MCOM 486*当前问题 & New Technologies in Mass Communication

    选修课(6学时) Select six additional credits of MCOM courses (excluding MCOM 100 and MCOM 101)

    *Course has prerequisites; consult the course description section of the 本科目录

    Learn more about a  辅修新兴媒体

  • 辅修社交媒体

    Social Media Introductory Courses (3 hours) 选择下列其中一个:

    • CMST 102/112 Introduction to 战略沟通 Leadership
    • MCOM 105 Digital Media and Media Literacy

    Social Media Required Courses (18 hours)

    • MCOM 205移动媒体制作
    • CMST 225 基金会s of Strategic Messaging
    • MKTG 261市场营销原理
    • CMST 312 Digital Identity and 社区
    • MCOM 326 Writing for Electronic Media
    • MKTG 467 Digital and Social Media Marketing

    Choose one of the following courses (3 hours)

    • CMST 302 Argumentation and Advocacy
    • CMST 322 Presentational Communication
    • CMST 335 Organizational Communication


    • CMST 122 Introduction to Public Communication
    • MST 215 Collaboration and Team Communication
    • CMST 310公民传播
    • CMST 325 Public Relations Principles
    • ENGL 355 Socially Networked Journalism
    • MCOM 447媒体法律法规

    *One must take the appropriate prerequisites for any recommended courses chosen

    Learn more about a minor in Social Media


Complementary 未成年人 and Emphasis  in other 部门:

  • 辅修电影研究


    • ENGL 207* Introduction to Film Studies (Fall)
    • ENGL 208* Film and American Culture (Spring, even-numbered years)
    • ENGL 344* Film Theory (Spring, odd-numbered years)

    *Must have C or better to count toward minor.

    选修课(9学时) 从以下选项中选择:

    • ENGL 281 Literature into Film (variable)
    • ENGL 282 Shakespeare on Film (Fall, odd-numbered years)
    • ENGL 345 Film Genre (Fall, even-numbered years)
    • MCOM 205移动媒体制作 (every semester)
    • MCOM 287 Intro to Video Production (every semester)
    • MCOM 387 Multi-Camera Studio Production (Fall)

    *Relevant Special 前ics courses will be welcomed as electives as approved by the Coordinator.

    Learn more about a 辅修电影研究

  • 辅修平面设计


    • ART 104二维设计
    • 艺术207平面设计(符合技术. 流利(GEP要求)
    • ART 212制图

    Introductory Studio (3 credit hours) 从以下选项中选择:

    • ART 216插图
    • ART 221绘画
    • ART 232版画
    • ART 235摄影

    Advanced Studio Focus (9 credit hours)

    • ART 307计算机图形学
    • ART 407 Advanced Graphic Design: Print
    • ART 414 Advanced Graphic Design: Interactive Multimedia Design

    Learn more about a 辅修平面设计

  • 辅修新闻学


    • engl336新闻写作
    • engl402编辑和制作
    • ENGL 436 Advanced News and Feature Writing
    • 现场经验
    • MCOM 326 Writing for the Electronic Media
    • MCOM 447电信法

    选修课(3学时) 从以下选项中选择:

    • ENGL 355 Socially Networked Journalism
    • ENGL 360创意非虚构
    • Any 300- or 400-level HIST or POSC course

    Learn more about a 辅修新闻学

  • 副修市场营销


    • MKTG361市场营销原理
    • 消费者行为

    选修课程(12学时) 从以下选项中选择四个:

    • MKTG363广告
    • MKTG364品牌战略
    • MKTG365 Professional Selling and Relationship Management
    • MKTG460Global营销
    • MKTG465营销策略
    • MKTG466Services营销
    • MKTG467Digital and Social Media Marketing

    Learn more about a 副修市场营销

  • 辅修公共关系

    Required Courses from Communication Studies (6 credit hours)

    • CMST 300 Communication and Relationships or CMST 322 Presentational Communication
    • CMST 335 Organizational Communication

    Required Courses from English (6 credit hours)

    • engl336新闻写作
    • ENGL 436 Advanced News and Feature Writing

    Required Courses from Other 部门 (12 credit hours)

    • 艺术207平面设计(符合技术. 流利(GEP要求)
    • ART 235摄影
    • MCOM 205移动媒体制作
    • MCOM 325 Seminar in Public Relations or MKTG 361市场营销原理


    The following courses are recommended but not required for the minor in Public Relations. These courses provide valuable background for the course work in the minor:

    • ART 104二维设计
    • BUAD 100商业导论
    • CMST 122 Introduction to Public Speaking
    • ECON 200 Basic Economics (meets GEP Group D requirement)

    Learn more about a 辅修公共关系